baby grabbing ear teething: During the teething phase, it’s not uncommon to observe babies rubbing their ears and sides of their heads or grabbing their ears. Many parents wonder if teething can cause ear infections. While teething itself doesn’t directly lead to ear infections, the increased saliva and gum sensitivity during this time can make babies more prone to infections. It’s important to differentiate between normal teething behavior and signs of an actual ear infection, such as fever or ear discharge. If your baby shows additional symptoms, except holding ear, tugging ear, or baby touching ear, it’s advisable to consult a pediatrician. Otherwise, you can provide comfort by offering teething toys and gently massaging their gums. Remember, each baby’s teething experience is unique, so pay attention to their behavior and seek medical advice when necessary.
Does teething cause ear infections
When babies and toddlers pull on their ears, it can be a sign that something is bothering them.

- Babies and toddlers pulling on their ears or rubbing their ears can have different causes, including teething and ear infections.
- Teething can cause discomfort in the gums and jaws, leading babies to pull on their ears or rub them as a way to seek relief from the teething pain.
- Ear infections can also result in ear pulling or ear rubbing as they cause pain and discomfort in the ears.
- Toddlers may also rub their ears when they are tired or sleepy, as it can provide them with a sense of comfort.
- It’s important to note that not all ear pulling or ear rubbing indicates an ear infection; sometimes, babies and toddlers may engage in these behaviors out of curiosity or as part of their normal exploration.
- If your child is pulling on their ears or rubbing them excessively and exhibits additional symptoms such as a fever or irritability, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
- A healthcare professional can evaluate the situation and determine if an ear infection is present, providing appropriate guidance and treatment.
Treatment for Toddler Pulling on Ear

When it comes to the treatment for ear pulling in babies and toddlers, it is essential to address the underlying cause, whether it’s teething, ear infections, or other factors. Here are some key points to consider:
- Identify the cause: Determine if the baby pulling at ear is related to teething, ear infections, or other potential factors like toddler rubbing ears. Observing additional symptoms such as fever or irritability can help in making an accurate assessment.
- Teething relief: If teething is the cause, provide appropriate teething remedies such as teething rings or chilled pacifiers to alleviate discomfort. Gently massaging the gums can also help. These measures can redirect the baby’s attention away from pulling on their ear.
- Address ear infections: If an ear infection is suspected, consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment. They may prescribe antibiotics or recommend pain-relieving measures to alleviate the infection and associated discomfort, such as baby rubbing ears.
- Soothing techniques: Use soothing techniques like baby playing with ear to provide comfort. Gentle rocking, cuddling, or using calming music or white noise can help them relax and reduce any potential irritability.
- Distraction: Engage your child with interactive playtime or new toys to divert their attention from pulling on their ear. This can help shift their focus away from discomfort, including toddler pulling on ear.
- Hygiene practices: Maintain good hygiene by keeping your child’s ears clean and dry. This can help prevent potential infections and reduce the likelihood of ear pulling due to discomfort.
Remember, it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and personalized advice based on your child’s specific situation.
ear infection vs teething
Ear infection and teething are two different conditions that can cause discomfort in babies and toddlers. Here’s a comparison between ear infection and teething:
Ear Infection: Baby grabs ear
- Cause: Ear infections occur when bacteria or viruses infect the middle ear, causing inflammation and fluid buildup.
- Symptoms: Common symptoms include ear pain, fever, fussiness or irritability, difficulty sleeping, pulling or tugging at the ear, and possible drainage of fluid from the ear.
- Other signs: Children may also experience reduced appetite, difficulty hearing, and general malaise.
- Treatment: Ear infections often require medical intervention, and treatment may involve antibiotics to clear the infection, pain relief medication, and managing symptoms such as fever.
Teething: Can teething cause ear infection
- Cause: Teething is the natural process of a baby’s teeth erupting through the gums as they grow.
- Symptoms: Symptoms of teething can vary but commonly include increased drooling, swollen or tender gums, irritability or fussiness, chewing on objects, and mild temperature elevation.
- Other signs: Some babies may experience a mild rash around the mouth or develop loose stools during teething.
- Treatment: Teething discomfort can be managed by providing teething toys, chilled teething rings, gentle gum massage, and over-the-counter pain relievers suitable for infants, as recommended by a healthcare professional.
It’s important to note that while Infant pulling on ear or tugging ear can be a sign of both ear infections and teething, other symptoms and a healthcare professional’s evaluation are necessary to determine the underlying cause accurately. If you suspect an ear infection or have concerns about teething, it’s best to consult with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and guidance.
When to see your pediatrician while baby scratching ear or pulling ear

- Persistent or worsening symptoms: If your baby continues to scratch or pull at their ear for an extended period or if the behavior worsens over time, it’s a good idea to consult your pediatrician. Persistent scratching or pulling may indicate an underlying issue that requires attention.
- Ear discomfort or pain: If your baby shows signs of ear discomfort or pain, such as crying, fussiness, or irritability that cannot be easily soothed, it’s important to seek medical advice. Ear infections or other ear-related conditions could be causing the discomfort, and your pediatrician can evaluate and provide appropriate treatment.
- Other accompanying symptoms: Take note of any other symptoms that your baby may be experiencing along with the ear scratching or pulling. These can include fever, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, or changes in behavior. If your baby exhibits multiple symptoms, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional.
- Persistent fever: If your baby develops a persistent fever alongside the ear scratching or pulling, it may indicate an infection. Fever is a common sign of an underlying issue, and medical attention is necessary to determine the cause and provide appropriate treatment.
- Concerns about ear infection: If you suspect an ear infection as the cause of the scratching or pulling, it’s best to consult your pediatrician. They can examine your baby’s ears, assess the symptoms, and determine whether an infection is present or if there are other underlying factors contributing to the behavior.
Seeking medical advice is important to ensure your baby’s health and address any underlying issues causing the ear scratching or pulling. Your pediatrician can evaluate the situation and provide appropriate guidance and treatment.